The Word


Senior Pastor Daniel O. C. | Oct 09, 2024


Calvary greetings to you in the blessed name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen!


HOLINESS OF LIFE (1 Peter 1:14-16)

Holiness is the very nature of our Father God in heaven.
Everything about Him is holy. Holiness can be described as the solid foundation that carries a gigantic building.
For a building to stand and be inhabited, the foundation has to be properly laid and well-fortified for a long, lasting and enduring lifespan (1 Corinthians 3:11-17).

Holiness is an important and profitable tool which we cannot do without.
We sincerely and honestly need this tool to work with if we want progress as expected in our evangelism.
No one can carry the precious oil from the presence of the holy God with a leaking and corrupt filthy life (Isaiah 52:11 / 2 Timothy 2:19-21).

There are some professionals in the world who make use of some sensitive tools.
They handle such tools with care because they are fragile.

Holiness therefore is very essential in the life of a true believer, without which all of his or her services unto God and humanity will be entirely useless. Without holiness, our prayers for souls and effectiveness in evangelism will be abominable to God.
We are therefore commanded by the Word of God to cultivate holiness in our lives and serve Him continually (Luke 1:71-75).
Holiness attracts people to Christ (1 Thessalonians 2:3-10 / Acts 2:41-47).

KINDNESS (Colossians 3:12 / Proverbs 31:26)

“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).
This Scripture tells us to be kind to one another as believers, as well as to the people outside the fold.

Think about the unbelieving next-door neighbour you want to win to Christ.
Think about the colleagues in the place of work, neighbours within our environment and other people we come in contact with and begin to show them kindness. Think about the suffering people, the needy and the troubled and be kind to them.

Examine the kindness of King David towards Mephibosheth of the house of Saul (2 Samuel 9:1-10).
The kindness of Jesus, the Son of the living God towards frustrated Peter in directing him to launch in the deep for more fishes (Luke 5:1-11).
Jesus’ kindness towards the multitudes in providing food for them.
Jesus’ kindness towards the lepers, the sick and the disabled as He touched them with His hand of healing.
This is the kindness that operates to open people’s heart for Christ to enter (Proverbs 19:22a / 1 Samuel 20:11-15 / 2 Samuel 9:1-7 / Job 29: 15-16).

The importance of showing kindness to people as we minister God’s Word is great.
It is one of the things that made the ministry of Christ Jesus attractive.
Applying the lessons in the parable of the Good Samaritan will alleviate the problems of the needy, abandoned and hopeless souls, turning them from hell to heaven (Luke 10:30-37).

Remain blessed and rapturable,
Yours to reach this generation with the Gospel,

Dr. Daniel O. C.

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