About Us


"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain"

John 12:24

Leader: Brother Joseph Phua

About the

Welcome to the Usher Ministry, where service meets spiritual hospitality from the heart of DLCC.

  • Our Mission

    To make a difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ through our warm and organised hospitality service as ushers.

  • Our Vision

    That every member and visitor can experience the love of Jesus Christ through us, a sense of belonging and the anticipation to come and worship in the sanctuary.

  • Our Calling

    To be dedicated, unswerving, zealous and sacrificial stewards through our acts of fellowship as the front-line representatives of DLCC.


Discipline is one of most important qualities we seek in our usher. All who express interest to serve will be 

I’m afraid only church members may serve in the ministry.

Every ministry leader is appointed by our Senior Pastor as led by the Holy Spirit. The usher ministry is no exception.

It depends on the ability of the usher to ensure that their service as an usher will not be compromised by other ministry commitments.

Of course! Our ministry has at least one fellowship event per year where Bro Louis Teo, one of our team leaders will organise and invite the ushers and their family to spend the day over an activity.

Pre-COVID, we used to have BBQs and go on walks at MacRitchie.

Join the Ministry

Join us in our calling to serve the DLCC family with a joyful heart!