Leader: Sister Janet Wong
About the
The Asaph singers are God’s called and chosen instruments to minister through a song of God’s choice, in a way that is most impactful for the singer(s) to fulfill God’s purposes.
Our Mission
Asaph seeks to minister the songs that God has chosen/given to His people.
Our Vision
A huge focus of the Asaph Singer should be to seek God for the song to present in order for God’s voice, words, heart and purposes to come forth clearly with power and full of God’s presence to change the atmosphere, hearts and spirits, bringing repentance, correction, edification, encouragement, rest, refreshing, restoration, love, hope and faith as God intends.
Our Calling
The Asaph Singer should hear God’s voice to minister effectively, even to prophesy through a song if truly led by God.
Past Songs
God chooses the song He wants to gift His people. But we have to seek Him in prayer to know which song He wants us to present.
Sometimes singers and musicians are given an original song by God. Other times, it is an existing song that God has impressed on our hearts to present to the church.
Every Asaph singer is anointed by God and called by Him to serve. There are two ways that Asaph singers are recruited:
- Our ministry leader Sister Janet will seek God for the names of the people to approach.
- Interested members may submit a request to audition and Sister Janet will seek God for His approval.
Join the Ministry
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like to know more about our ministry.