About Us


"Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name;
Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."

Psalm 29:2

What God Has Done For Us

Rebuild My Relationship With God

Our Church had invited the late Rev Dr Abel Thomas as Guest Speaker in one previous edition of Church Camp. He shared about God’s Discipline and thereafter, I responded to…READ MORE
- Mrs Hoo, Tiong Bahru 2 Cell Group Host

God Can Turn Situations Around

I had a Micromanager for a manager when I started working at my company. She often questioned my approach to different situations, and would insist that I change my methods…READ MORE
- Vanessa T, Compliance Officer and Youth Leader

Personal Revival During the Pandemic

Volumes, mostly on the negative aspects, have been said and written about the global pandemic. Strangely during a casual conversation with Sis. Elizabeth after an Indian fellowship session, I realised…READ MORE
- Sister Vinita, DLCC member since 2013

God Establishes A Family In A New Land

I am Sis Leda, married and with a son. I was previously a secondary school teacher in the Philippines. I came to Singapore in 2005 to join my husband, Leo,…READ MORE
- Sister Leda L., Homemaker and Mother of one

God Cares For Our Little Ones

我想分享两个关于我孙子的见证:- 1) 我的大孙子今年读中二,从小学开始他的成绩一直是中等。 自从我和丈夫在周二、周四和周日早上参加伊丽莎白姐妹的祷告会后,从 5:20 分开始用方言祷告。 祷告后,我们阅读了5章以上的圣经。 周三和周五晚上,我们参加 Daniel O C 牧师的网络布道。 星期天我们去教堂听神的话。 每当他们的母亲通知我们他们的考试时,我丈夫和我都会每天为他们祈祷。 我孙子的成绩一下子突飞猛进。 他的成绩出乎意料。 他还参加了学校的基督少年軍竞赛,涉及52所学校阅读圣经经文,他的学校排在第4名。 2) 他的弟弟参加了数学奥林匹克竞赛,他获得了铜牌。 他过去没有参与或获得过这样的奖项。 我要感谢上帝,所有的荣耀和赞美都归于上帝。 哈利路亚! 阿门!READ MORE
- Sister Lay Yian, Grandmother of 2

Jesus Heals

This is my testimony about how God miraculously healed me. Prior to joining a company back in 2015, I underwent a health check. It was a routine practice, and I…READ MORE
- J. Kumar, Sales Executive

God's Faithfulness, Love and Mercy

It took 3 witnesses (at various points in my life), and a retrenchment exercise during the pandemic to reset my life and turn back to God. My first opportunity to…READ MORE
- Audrey L., Finance Director at MNC and Serves in the Projection Ministry

With God, All Things Are Possible

感谢神,因祂永远垂听祂子女的祷告.我小女儿今年四月刚毕业于理工学院,接下来就要面临报读大学,根据她的学术和成绩,国大(NUS)和南大(NTU)都录取了她,而祂的心愿却想换别的课目回馈社会.她就尝试报读新大(SlT). 新大过后通过二三次视频面试后,他们也惊奇我的小女儿没有科学和医学的背景,却如此执着要报读这项课目.我们全家人都为她的心愿祷告,把这小女孩炽热的心交托给神安排.荣耀归于我们的真神,祂果然垂听我们的求告.我的小女儿终于进入她心仪的学校,也得偿所愿报读所要的课目.并且得知学校筛选名额相当严格, 只录取十个学生,而我的小女儿却是唯一没有科学和医学背景的学生. 再一次把荣耀和赞美归于我们的真神!哈利路亚!READ MORE
- Alex Choo, Serves as a Chinese Fellowship Leader

God's Faithfulness Never Fails

10 years ago, God brought us to Singapore despite many challenges in our work, finances, children’s education, and other matters. Compared to the Philippines, the cost of living in Singapore…READ MORE
- Alex and Dina Plete, Filipino Professionals & Members of the Filipino Fellowship

God Changed Me

I was anxious about taking my PSLE exams when the time came for me to do so a few years ago. I lacked confidence in myself and was terrified I…READ MORE
- Kingston, Youth Members

Turn To God for Encouragement

While I work extremely hard in my studies, I’ve come to realise that I am not the best at coding. It takes me slightly longer than my peers to grasp…READ MORE
- Joshua Teo, Youth Members

Where God Plants, I Will Thrive

I was unhappy with the results I received in my PSLE as I knew they would not fulfil the entry requirements for my school of choice. I felt disheartened and…READ MORE
- Stephen Lim, Youth Member and Serves as a Drummer

God Changes Mediocrity into Distinction

All glory, praise and honour to God for helping me in my studies. Initially, I had mediocre results. But as I focused on my studies and learnt to commit my…READ MORE
- Joshua Tok, Pianist for Youth Services

Holding Onto God Through Confusing Times

The pandemic affected everyone, with many having to make adjustments to their daily lives. I was dealing with personal changes myself – I had entered a new phase in life…READ MORE
- Naomi Plete, Youth Member and Serves as a Worship Singer

When I Align With God

I have never understood the purpose of following and obeying God. Growing up, I attended church so as to obey and follow my parents. I wanted the opportunity to gather…READ MORE
- Kheyl Pelayo, Youth Member and Serves as a Guitarist

“For all the promises of God

in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen,

to the glory of God through us.”

2 Corinthians 1:20