Leader: Sister Catherine Cher
About the
Welcome to our vibrant Sunday School for children, where young hearts embark on an exciting journey of faith, learning, and discovery. Rooted in the love of Christ, our program is designed to nurture the spiritual growth of every child, providing a safe and engaging environment for them to explore the wonders of God's Word.
Our Mission
The Sunday School team serves to teach our children God’s word so that they walk in the spirit of excellence, wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
Our Vision
For our children to experience the favour of God and man, displaying love, obedience and humility both to God and their parents.
Our Calling
To bring our children into a relationship with God by teaching them the simplicity of God’s Word and the ways to love God.
Sunday School Age Groups
Pre-schoolers (ages 3-6)
Primary school (ages 7-9)
Primary school (ages 10-12)
Sunday School lessons are free for all.
The Sunday School is open to all children from 3 years old to 12 years old who can understand English.
Parents who are not DLCC members will need to send an enquiry addressed to the Director of the Sunday School stating their approval of their children’s participation. You may do this using our Connect online form, or email.
All enrolled children are required to submit their:
1) Full name
2) Address
3) Date of birth
4) Contact number
5) Known allergies.
Parents must agree to be punctual to drop off and pick up their child/children to and from class.
Teachers are recruited by word of mouth, or through open calls during church service.
Interested members are required to submit their application as Sunday School teachers via email addressed to the Director in charge.
Applications will be reviewed and approved by the Pastor-in-charge, Pastor Brian.
It depends on the teachers’ individual needs. This can be weekly or monthly post-lesson reviews and discussions.

Join the Ministry
Enquire if you want your child to enjoy a joy-filled space where children learn about God's love but also experience it in every lesson and interaction.