The Word
Dr. Daniel O. C. | Jun 15, 2024

Saints of God Most High, hear God’s word for you today:
“I sought for a man among them who could build a barricade or stand in the break to oppose me on behalf of the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one…” (Ezekiel 22:30-31)
I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Therefore, have I poured out My indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their own way have I repaid by bringing it upon their own heads, says the Lord God.
This is the appropriate time to stand in the gap for our beloved people and nation. God is looking for the faithful people united in their efforts to resist evil. God’s people have gone astray because there is no one to lead them back to God.
The worthless attempt to stand in the gap through religious rituals or messages based on opinion of man rather than God’s will has failed. What we need today is a total spiritual reconstruction.
When we preach without practicing it we are hypocrites. When we portray the appearance of God without living by His word, we are covering up sins.
Do not use religion as a whitewash but let us repair our lives by applying the principles of God’s word. Let us stand in the gap for our nation and make a difference for God in our land.
Shall we continue to laze around till all the victims of virus plague are dead, then we begin to pray? God forbid! Satan has hardened the hearts of many people not to heed to the warnings.
Church of God in Christ Jesus, it is time we begin to cry out to God for His mercy. Only God can prevent this evil virus from spreading further.
May the Lord God Almighty save us from all plagues and set us apart for His glory in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
Everybody shout a loud, “AMEN & AMEN!”
Sabbath Shalom and good morning.
Dr. Daniel O. C.