The Word

Sunday Bulletin – 15 September 2024

Sister Elizabeth Daniel | Sep 15, 2024

Dearly Beloved in the Lord,

It is the best decision you have made to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of your life. Instantly you are translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Your total identity is changed whether you realize or not. The angels of God surround you. Satan sees you as an enemy whom he targets to steal, kill and destroy. You are recognized as one belonging to the kingdom of God. So does your life end here? No! It is the beginning of a life-long commitment. In the passage from John 15: 1-8, it is to you that the Lord says that He is the Vine and you are the branches. The Lord says that you must abide in Him. To abide means to remain, stay, continue and live. Abide means to stay connected, be attached to your life-line, drawing your support, strength and life from the source, the Vine Jesus Christ. Abide means staying connected through moments of worship, looking up to the Lord, acknowledging His presence with you with a heart of gratitude, seeing His hand move your life situation and working it out for you. Abide means living in the Lord and thanking the Lord for the smallest detail He works out in you and in your life, recognizing Him and His power at work in equipping you with His anointing power, grace and mercy, enriching your life with His supernatural divine grace. Abide means inviting the Lord into every venture, every day, to walk and live in you, to light up your life with His presence so you are a witness for Him in every situation. Abide means to frequently partake of His body and blood and fellowshipping with Him during this time of communion knowing that you are redeemed only by His sacrifice. Abide means to take the step to live in holiness and righteousness as Jesus did to please His Father while He was upon the earth. Abide means saying “No” to the pleasures, distractions and temptations of the world and staying fixed and focused on the way of life in Christ Jesus. It means by choice living a life of holiness separated unto the Lord, consecrating yourself to live for Him. Abide means regarding His word as your guide to walk and live in this world and constantly reading, meditating, memorising, confessing and declaring it.
Only if your life remains in the Lord will you be fruitful. Only if your life remains in the Lord will you bear fruit. If you do not abide in the Lord, you will not bear fruit for the Lord says that every fruitless branch is cut off, withered, gathered with other dead branches and cast into the fire and burned. “Every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” This may be a painful process that needs some cutting off and trimming and the Lord does this pruning in your life so that you are bearing more fruit. During this time, it is good to yield yourself fully to the Lord for He knows what He is doing to make a better you! Without the Lord you can do nothing for the Lord Himself says (vs 5), “He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
If we abide in the Lord and His words abide in us, when we ask the Lord what we desire it shall be done for us says the Lord in vs 7. So our abiding in the Lord and allowing His word to dwell in us brings answers to prayer especially what we desire. How wonderful that is. Living a life in Christ is worth everything. Won’t you abide in the Lord today and let Him live in you?

In the blessed love of Jesus,

Sister Elizabeth Daniel

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