The Word
Sunday Bulletin – 14 July 2024
Dr. Daniel O.C. | Jul 14, 2024
“For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” (Matthew 6:14).
Beloved Brethren,
When a person is embittered, sickness and disease will have the upper hand in their lives. They will also be broken spiritually and unable to pray or hear from God. However, they will be able to hear clearly from Satan. An embittered person cannot be spiritual as they are overtaken by the power of darkness. Bitterness blinds the victim, veiling them from the gospel truth. They are always fighting and quarrelling with everybody without knowing they are fighting a lost battle. Mentally, their reasoning factor will be below average. Socially, they are outcasts because no one wants to draw close to them. Everyone avoids those who are embittered because they create problems wherever they are. Whatever words come out will never minister grace to the hearer. Such people will keep aloof because they always feel that they are better than other people. Some people have problems but some people are the problem themselves. Check if you have problems or you are the problem. There is a big difference between having a problem and being a problem.
You may have been hurt and wounded by others, however do not allow bitterness to come into your life as a result of it. Learn to release those hurts and wounds through forgiveness. Being a Christian does not exempt you from being hated by people. Remember that He who is in you is greater than he that is in the world.
Yours for the kingdom of God,
Dr. Daniel O. C.