The Word
FPT: Narratives of Truthful Life
Senior Pastor Daniel O. C. | Jul 12, 2024
Beloved Saint of God Most High,
Calvary greetings to you and yours in the mighty name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen!
May the Lord God Almighty bless you with a wonderful and glorious Christ-centred week-end ahead in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
“Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Therefore, do not be partakers with them. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” (Ephesians 5:6-11).
Let no one delude and deceive you with empty excuses and groundless arguments for sins.
For through these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of rebellion and disobedience.
So do not associate or be sharers with them.
For once you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of Light and lead the lives of those native-born to the Light.
For the fruit, the effect and the product of the Light or the Spirit consists in every form of kindly goodness, uprightness of heart, and trueness of life.
Try to learn from the Word of God what is pleasing to the Lord.
Let your lives be constant proofs of what is most acceptable to the Lord, Adonai Yahweh.
Take no part in and have no fellowship with the fruitless deeds and enterprise of darkness but instead let your lives be so in contrast as to expose, reprove and convict them.
Where there is love, there is life.
Where there is life, there is hope.
Where there is hope, there is faith.
Where there is faith, miracles happen in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!.
Where there is peace, there is God.
And when you have God, you have everything. Amen!
Expectations keep you stuck in the eyes of others.
Standards bring you home and allow true change to occur through your eyes.
When the mind is WEAK, a situation becomes a PROBLEM.
When the mind is BALANCED, the situation becomes a CHALLENGE.
When the mind is STRONG, that situation becomes an OPPORTUNITY.
It is all a MIND GAME! BE STRONG, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen!
We learn something from everyone who passes through our lives.
Some lessons are painful, some are painless, but all are priceless.
Self-control is strength.
Calmness is mastery.
You have to get to a point where your mood does not shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else.
Do not allow others to control the direction of your life.
Do not allow your emotions to overpower your faith.
Somebody shout a loud, “GLORY TO GOD!”
Remain blessed and rapturable,
Yours to reach this generation with the Gospel,
Dr. Daniel O. C.