The Word

WOW-27 March 2024: GRAVE TO GLORY (CONT’D)

Senior Pastor Daniel O. C. | Mar 27, 2024


Calvary greetings to you in the blessed name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen!


Grave experience causes a lot of weeping, mourning and sorrowing.
Grave experience weighs the heart down and dampens life.
But the path to glory is vital to everyone on this planet earth and I am sure, you will like to know the path that leads from grave to glory.

Jesus came to the sepulchre or grave of Lazarus and instructed the people at the graveside to remove the stone.
Jesus said, “Take away the stone(John 11:39).
The stone must be taken away before you can be ushered into the glory of God’s powerful miracle.
The people by the sepulchre of Lazarus moved the stone and one of the greatest miracles in the Bible followed.
A four-day dead man rose up from the grave.

By divine appointment and direction, this also is the charge and instruction of Jesus Christ to you.
If you want to come out of your grave and proceed to glory, you must take away your stone.
The ‘stone’ in our contemporary experience is not the physical stone that was put over the grave of Lazarus.


The stone can be any of your hindrances to the path to glory.
Your stone can be the habit or practice that keeps you away from God’s presence.
It can be the lifestyle that makes it impossible for you to have a living relationship with Jesus.

The stone can be the unbelief and lack of faith in the promises of God.
The stone is your disposition towards Christ, His servants and His word.
The stone can be your secret sin, the curses that debar you from success or the raw attitude that makes you to be misunderstood always.

The stone can be the intimidating way of your life through confrontational behaviour that keeps people away from you.
It could also be the unfriendly way of talking, addressing and running people down or belittling them.

God says you must take away that stone. Neither God nor Jesus will remove the stone for you.
You must do it yourself. You must remove the stone of sin and evil habits and watch God translate you from the grave to His glory.

If the stone of immorality, fornication, adultery, gossiping, backbiting, drunkenness, lewdness, greed, jealousy and unbelief are still in your life, getting into glory will remain a dream in your life. Therefore, obey the Word of God today for your redemption.

Jesus said, ‘Take away the stone.’ Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, ‘Lord, by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead four days.’ Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?’” (John 11:39-40).

Beloved saints of God, take away the stone in your heart.
Do not think it impossible to break away from sin or evil habits.
God’s grace is sufficient for you. What God requires is that you will, with a contrite heart, sincerely confess all your sins and determine never to go into it again.

In our meetings, we have seen God’s power in demonstration where sicknesses and diseases are healed.
Great miracles happened because the stone of doubt, unbelief and faithlessness had been removed.
We have received numerous letters of testimonies, appreciation and encouragement from people whose lives have been touched, healed, transformed and restored in our services after being prayed for because the stone which kept them in darkness had been broken, the fetters destroyed and the shackles done away with.
These are the things that happen when the stone is removed.

This is the path to glory.
Remove your own stone today and you will see God translate you from grave to glory in Jesus’ name Amen!

Remain blessed and rapturable,
Yours to reach this generation with the Gospel,

Dr. Daniel O. C.
Senior Pastor

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