The Word
WOW-20 March 2024: GRAVE TO GLORY
Senior Pastor Daniel O. C. | Mar 20, 2024
Calvary greetings to you in the blessed name of Jesus Christ our Saviour, Amen!
It is a common knowledge that every living person detests the grave, but desires God’s glory.
The grave is a picture of the lowest place you could ever be and in contrast, God’s glory is the picture of the highest place you could ever find yourself. From grave to glory means from the lowest point in life to the highest point.
Beloved saints of God, if you are at the most discouraging point in your life, God can take you out of that point and translate you to the highest level. Do you remember that the people of Israel faced a grave situation in Egypt and the Lord came to their aid? (Exodus 3:6-8)
- In the Book of Esther chapter 3-8, the Bible states a ‘grave’ situation the Israelites faced because of the conspiracy of Haman against the Jews. Still God Almighty used Queen Esther to save the Jews (Esther 4:14-16).
- Jeremiah the prophet faced a ‘grave’ situation in his life and ministry; still the good Lord delivered him from his enemies (Jeremiah 17-22).
- Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced a ‘grave’ situation; still the Lord God Almighty saved their lives (Daniel 3:19-25).
- Daniel the prophet was faced with a ‘grave’ circumstance, still God delivered him (Daniel 6:10-24).
- David the son of Jesse was also faced with a ‘grave’ situation from King Saul, still the Almighty God saved him from Saul’s plans (1 Samuel 18-26).
Beloved saints of the living God, although the grave looks like a permanent position of hopelessness, God is able to change it.
It does not matter how hopeless and helpless your situation may be, God is able to translate you to glory in Jesus’ name Amen!
John 1-6, 11-16
Lazarus eventually died and was laid in a grave. Jesus had been sent for while Lazarus was still sick, but our Lord and Saviour got there by design, four days after Lazarus had been buried (John 11:38-40). Remember, divine delay is not divine denial of our prayer.
From this passage, we can see a friend of Jesus, Lazarus in the grave, but Jesus saw the sorrow, sadness, predicaments and agony of Martha and Mary. Lazarus was dead. His condition was hopeless and impossible in human terms. The relatives of Lazarus had lost all hope and strength but Jesus did not see Lazarus as one who will permanently remain in the grave. Jesus was there to save, help and to deliver and Yes! He did it!
In the same way, Jesus our Redeemer does not see you remain permanent in your ‘grave’ experience, He wants to help, save and deliver you.
We all have our own grave experiences. It could be extreme poverty and financial constraints, lack of job, lack of basic daily meals, etc. When a particular sin sways its power and controls your life and you struggle unsuccessfully to break from it, you are in a grave experience.
Sometimes, a marriage finds itself in a ‘grave’ experience. A family may be under curses and have been struggling and suffering it for generations.
It could be a curse of premature death, sudden death, cancer affliction, childlessness, tuberculosis etc.
Beloved, you are in a grave situation experience, now look up, for your salvation is near and the Lord will translate you to glory! Hallelujah!
To be continued.
Yours to reach this generation with the Gospel,
Dr. Daniel O. C.
Senior Pastor