The Word
Sunday Bulletin – 26 May 2024
Dr. Daniel O.C. | May 26, 2024
Dear Beloved,
The prodigal son is a biblical example of a man who said, “enough is enough”. Nobody chased him away from his home. Nobody taught him what to do, but on his own, he went to his father and asked for his portion of the wealth. The wealth belonged to his father and not to him. He had the guts and boldness to ask for it. He created his own problems and when the problems overwhelmed him, he started looking everywhere for help. His situation brought him down to the level where he could not even eat the food that was given to swine. What a shame!
The prodigal son “came to himself”. In other words he said, “enough is enough” in verses 17-19, (Luke chapter 15). He made a decision in the same chapter, verses 20-24 to return to his father and repent of his actions. He humbled himself to his father stating that he was not worthy to be called his father’s son anymore, but to be treated like one of his hired servants. It takes one dimension to know that you have done wrong, but it takes a higher dimension to act rightly. It was definitely not easy for the prodigal son to make the decision to go back to the father’s house. He was proud and arrogant when he demanded his inheritance from his father. He took action upon his decision and did not sit on it. The prodigal son’s father did not reject him but rather restored him to the family by putting the best robe on him, gave him a ring and sandals, and killed a fatted calf to celebrate his return. His father saw his sincerity and repentance and welcomed him home. His father’s actions showed that he was not one of the hired servants but was accepted as his son.
Will you “come to yourself” and realise that it is time to stop Satan for what he is doing in your life? Many Christians do not want to rectify their mistakes because of shame. When there is misunderstanding, no one wants to make the first move to apologise. Knowing what to do is not good enough because it needs to be backed up by action.
Yours for the kingdom of God,
Dr Daniel O. C.