The Word
Sunday Bulletin-24 March 2024
Reverend Wilfred Lim | Mar 24, 2024
Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power; in the beauties of holiness, from the womb of the morning, You have the dew of Your youth (Psalms 110:3)
Dear worshipers of the Most High,
Glorious days are ahead of us in Christ!
In the day of His power or battle, as some other versions call it, God’s people will show up. Deborah and Barak rejoiced in singing when both the rulers and the people volunteered themselves freely to the work of God in their days, “My heart is with the rulers of Israel who offered themselves willingly with the people. Bless the Lord!” (Judges 5:9). God’s Word Translation (version) of the first part of Psalm 110:3 reads, “Your people will volunteer when you call up Your army.” God will have His people, His volunteers and His army!
The same version reveals about the army of God this way, “Your young people will come to You in holy splendor like dew in the early morning.” The army of God is youthful and will be valiant for the Lord’s battle. They will win the battle because the victorious King has His victorious army. And they are holy! *Consecrated and set apart for the service of King Jesus.* Young people of the Kingdom of God, where are you?
A 24-year-old female interviewee from China summed up her generation in an interview: “First of all, what I want is to live in the present. Nowadays, young people prioritise their current happiness, embracing a hedonistic lifestyle.” This is not that surprising coming from the lips of a daughter of the world that characterises darkness, slavery, sins and hopelessness. But young people of the Kingdom of God, we are the army of King Jesus and people of glorious destiny. Do not be short-sighted, do not be blind. Do not fall into the same hole that received Esau. Take heed to the grave and irreversible error he had committed – he despised the glorious inheritance, so as to be satisfied here-and-now (Genesis 25:32-34). The end of the matter for him was destiny lost, inheritance not possessed, useless tears and eternal regret (Hebrews 12:16-17).
Beloved saints of God, especially the young people of the Kingdom and of glorious destiny, the question is not “Can I go to Taylor Swift’s concert?”, “Can I drink wine?”, “Can I go clubbing?”, “Can I listen to secular music?”, “Can I have tattoo?”, “Can I pierce my navel?”, “Can I color my hair?” etc. A better question to ask is, “Why am I edging back to Egypt?”, “Why am I not loving God with all my heart and it is alright?”, “Why am I not pressing in with God for clean hands and pure heart”, “Why am I not asking God to circumcise my hardened heart?”, “Why have I drifted so far from God and it no longer matters?”, “Why am I so cold or lukewarm?”, “Why do I feel nothing about souls?” etc.
God’s plan cannot be thwarted by the devil. When one generation failed, the other replaced it and entered God’s inheritance (Deutoronomy 1:35-40). God will have His army, His volunteers and His young people! In the day of His power and battle, when He calls up His army, will we be there?
Be serious while on our spiritual pilgrimage, let our strength be in the Lord, then we will go from strength to strength, ultimately appearing before God in Zion! (Psalms 84:5-7)
Reverend Wilfred Lim