The Word

Sunday Bulletin-17 March 2024

Sister Elizabeth Daniel | Mar 17, 2024

Dearly Beloved,

The disciples forsook Jesus when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Later Peter openly denied Jesus three times, as Jesus had predicted. Ashamed, at having let down the Lord Peter wept. But days later it was the same Peter after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit who preached and 3000 souls were added to the church. Not afraid anymore he was willing to die for the Lord Jesus. And he did. So were all the disciples of Jesus. All except John (he died of old age) died as martyrs. When we accepted the Lord we were so excited! Filled with joy! Rejoicing in Him always! We are always looking for every opportunity to speak and testify about the Lord Jesus. But as the years went by the fire died. When there is an opportunity to speak of the Lord, His great doings, there is a hesitation. We wait for someone else to do it. Are you ashamed of the Lord? Why would you turn away from being a testimony of His work in this world? Why would you be ashamed to speak of Jesus knowing the precious sacrifice given for you? Why would you shy away from identifying with all that concerns Jesus and His kingdom and doing those things that delight the Lord?

This is what the word of God says: “For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when He comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels” (Mark 8:38). If you are ashamed of the Lord, His Word and of HIs testimony in your life, He will also be ashamed of you.

Dignity! You have your dignity today in Jesus because He was stripped of it as He was beaten, scorned, mocked, scourged, and accused – but He did not open His mouth so you can enjoy the freedom of life in Him! Nailed to the cross, with a crown of thorns, jeered at and hung on the cross for you, where was His dignity? Stripped of almost everything on Him, forsaken by all those close to Him, He hung alone on the cross and died – for you! Jesus carried your sin, your shame, your pain, your sorrow, unbearable heartaches, loss, failures, defeats, so you would have a full life in His resurrected power and life offered for you. Today you can live in His freedom, His victory, His overcoming power and His triumph over the power of the enemy. Yet why would you be ashamed of Jesus, His name, His Word, His works in your life, His work in this world and His kingdom? Beloved, have you pondered on His sacrifice for you? It is not only for you, but for your children, children’s children and generations to follow? It is for your parents, siblings, loved ones, friends – anyone who is willing and humble to hear His voice and heed to Him.

Arise! Walk the road for Jesus! Speak His name, Declare His Word, Proclaim the great works He does for you in your life and has done thus far! Testify of His goodness. Pronounce His greatness to this dark fallen world! Publish through the whole earth of HIs great power working miracles! Herald it across the streets and the nation! Are you willing to take a flyer today of the Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday and pass it prayerfully to someone inviting them to the house of God? Are you willing to send the message to a contact on your phone inviting them to witness the testimony of Jesus? Yes! Yes! Yes! I pray your answer will be Yes and that you will do this and a lot more in the coming days by being a light, testimony and example of Jesus to the world. For when you do, you are wise and like the stars….

And those who turn many to righteousness (are) Like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
And he who wins souls is wise. Proverbs 11:30

The Lord bless you a faithful witness of Jesus!

Sis Elizabeth Daniel

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