The Word

Sunday Bulletin-11 February 2024

Sister Elizabeth Daniel | Feb 11, 2024

Dearly beloved brethren!

It is only by the divine grace of God that you have been called out from kingdom of darkness into His marvelous light to be chosen to be His child, saved from sin and the wicked hands of the enemy.
The Lord has a future and a plan for you. The design and intention of the Lord for you is far higher than you have every imagined. Believe God and step out for greater works for the Lord. Hear what the Lord has to say to you: “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:7-8)
How can I do this you ask? The Lord who is in you and for you will work it all out when you step out for Him and in His name. Keep a look out and be sensitive to the gentle prompting of the Holy Spirit as He highlights someone in need around you. It maybe to share the gospel, speak about Jesus or enquire about them leading into a conversation that directs them to the Lord. Believe the Lord for great and greater works through you.

Expect great things FROM God! Attempt great things FOR God!” -William Carey a missionary’s quote.

Step out from your comfortable little corner and begin your mission work attempting great things for God. Expect great things to happen from the Lord. Expect that when you pray and speak the word, great miracles will happen for the veil has been torn. Through the shed blood of Jesus and the torn body of Jesus, we have access to the Most Holy Place, the throne of God. We can come with confidence there. We can come asking in the name of Jesus for He has defeated, paralysed and crushed the power of the enemy and his hold over your life and over the situation before you in Jesus’ name. Stand for the Lord. Know He is with you always. He is for you always. Our Faithful God hears our prayers and answers our prayers through Jesus as we present them to Him in the name of Jesus. Jesus has won the victory for us, and has stripped the powers of Satan, principalities and powers and triumphed over them, strpping and paralysing them of all of their powers, crushing and defeating them on the cross and He made a show and public spectacle of them openly (Colossians 2:15). Hallelujah! The Lord has given us authority over all the powers of the enemy (Luke 10:19). As you stand in His name no weapon formed against you or any scheme against you shall prevail (Isaiah 54:17).

Stand boldly and pray. Command the defeat, crushing and paralysing the evil power of Satan and the evil principalities at work against you and your situation. Remember the Lord is on your side always fighting your cases and for your cause.

So my beloved, know you are equipped in every way to boldly speak and witness to others about the Lord Jesus and also inviting them to the House of God especially for the Good Friday and Easter Sunday special services. Commit in prayer, intercede without fear, pull down strongholds of the enemy, plunder the camp of the enemy, tear down hindrances, walls, fortifications, etc all in the name of Jesus!

In the blessed love of Jesus,
Sister Elizabeth Daniel

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