The Word

Sunday Bulletin – 02 June 2024

Sister Elizabeth Daniel | Jun 02, 2024

Ah, Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.” Jeremiah 32:17

Dearly Beloved in the Lord,

Look all around you. All of nature declares the greatness, power and creativity of the Lord God Almighty! Wonders and marvels that came to be only at the sound of His word. The Bible speaks again and again of the wonderful power of God in working great, wonderful miracles!

The Lord has not ceased doing miracles. Today you can have yours! We are called to live in the supernatural, to experience the divine supernatural power of God at work in our life every day. But we are so used to living in the natural, accepting failure and defeat that we have such low expectation of miracles in our life situations.
When we get really desperate for one, we cry and wail, run to every man or woman of God we know, make promises and vows to the Lord and to the servants of God and when the miracle comes to pass we are so ungrateful. We never even thank the Lord. We never fulfil our vows and promises.

The Lord our God is the Omnipotent God. Omnipotent means “all powerful” – nothing is impossible with Him. There are no limitations with God. “There is nothing too hard for You,” says Jeremiah of God in Jeremiah 32:17. Nothing is hard, impossible or difficult for the Lord. Yahweh the mighty God is marvellous and can overturn even the most impossible situation, whether it is medical, physical, financial, relational, psychological, social or natural. Is there anything that the Lord could not do in the Bible? “For with God nothing will be impossible” Luke 1:37 tells us. In the Word of God we see stormy seas stilled, lions’ mouths shut, fire from heaven consuming sacrifices, wind cease, food multiplied, instant death to the enemies in their camp, overnight flowering of almond flowers on a stick, dead raised to life, blind eyes see, lame walk, deaf hear….unending! The list goes on and on! Is there anywhere that the Lord says that there is something He cannot do? No! He is the One “who does great and unsearchable things, wonders without number” (Job 5:9).

We look at our situations so often and give up on the power of God. We limit the power of God in our understanding. We limit what He the sovereign Lord God is able to do. We make Him, the Lord God Almighty, so small, insignificant, limited in power, so we don’t see our miracle. “Great and marvellous are Your works, Lord God Almighty!” (Revelation 15:3). The ways of the Lord are great far beyond human understanding or comprehension.
Do you have faith for your miracle today? Call upon the Lord. He will answer you. He will demonstrate His great power through mighty works. Believe and trust Him. Read the word of God full of the “…mighty acts of the Lord…..” (Psalm 106:2). Powerful, uncountable, immeasurable, wonderful, marvelous overflowing with His great power and goodness!

You have been a son and daughter of God for so long. Believe God for miracles. Also today ask the Lord to make you an instrument, one who stands in the gap in prayer for someone else for a miracle and see it happen. Remember you are for signs and wonders. Ask and it shall be given to you. Let faith arise in your heart. Trust. Believe. Walk in the miraculous. Stand in the gap for a miracle. And when you receive your miracle and the miracle you have believed for another praise, thank and bless the Lord God and testify and declare of His great goodness to the world! The Lord bless you in Jesus’s name amen!

In the blessed love of Jesus,
Sister Elizabeth Daniel

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