The Word


Dr. Daniel O. C. | Apr 20, 2024


Saints of God Most High, hear God’s word for you today:

So we who are strong have a duty to bear the weaknesses of those who are not strong, rather than please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbour and act for his good, thus building him up. For even the Messiah did not please himself; rather…” (Romans 15:1-3)

We who are strong in our convictions and of robust faith ought to bear with the failings and the frailties and the tender scruples of the weak; we ought to help carry the doubts and qualms of others and not to please ourselves.

Let each one of us make it a practice to please and make happy his neighbour for his good and for his true welfare, to edify him, to strengthen him, and build him up spiritually.

For Christ did not please Himself and gave no thought to His own interests; but, as it is written, the reproaches and abuses of those who reproached and abused you fell on Me.


When we feel that we are not sufficiently respected, we should ask ourselves whether we are living as we should.

Decency is like gold, the same in all countries.
Politeness is the flower of humanity.
Anyone can be polite to a king but it takes a gentleman to be polite to a beggar.

A common definition sees decorum as meaning proper behaviour while a more specific definition is given by the Webster’s Dictionary as “Conformity with conventional social manners in speech, writing, dressing and behaviour.”

Regardless of the definition, either common or specific, proper decorum can be said to describe the totality of an individual personality.

It is expected that the behaviour of a child should be moulded through an institution such as home, school, church and the community.

This will help to produce desirable and acceptable behavioural characteristics in such a child as he grows up. As we become adult, whatever behavioural traits we have developed remains with us for life.

Human beings are peculiar creatures whose attitudes are expected to conform to the norms of the society. This is the reason why a proper investigation is carried out in people before marriage is sought.

We must always remember that no matter the type of training a person goes through, either to obtain a degree or academic excellence, the best teacher to mould our character and sharpen our behaviour is the Holy Bible.

Reading it, meditating on it and living it out is the best way of life. As soon as a person becomes a Christian believer, born again through conversion, that person’s life must be patterned after the Holy Scriptures.

The Bible gives direction on every area of life. Specific guides in these following areas of life will make us a good example to our spouse, children, brethren, neighbours and colleagues.


Sabbath shalom and good morning.
Dr. Daniel O. C.

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