Prophecy Archive
2024 Prophecy
Thus says the Lord God Almighty, “THIS IS A YEAR OF CAUTION! Walk circumspectly, not as fools.”
Ephesians 5:15-18
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit.
- Do not be unguarded in your words, associations and relationships.
- Take heed in your teaching and hearing.
- Pay strict attention to your fellowship.
- Be prudent in your Christian life.
- Be discreet in your ministry associations.
- Be careful with the doctrine you embrace for they are not all of the Lord.
Thus says the Lord God whose dwelling place is covered by the wings of the Cherubim, “Do not just work for Me but walk with Me” says the Lord. “Abraham, Noah and Enoch walked with Me and fulfilled My divine purpose” says the Lord, “but Balaam, the son of Beor did not walk with Me” says the Lord. “Many of My socalled servants in this generation are deceptively working for Me but not walking with Me. Woe to them who do the work deceptively.” (Jeremiah 48:10)
Thus says the Lord who made the heavens and the earth, “Your so-called prophets and messengers have envisioned falsehood. I, the Lord, did not send them nor spoke to them but they have spoken on their own imagination and falsehood to entice, impress and scare you.” (Jeremiah 5:31 / 14:14 / Ezekiel 13:6-8).
Now the Spirit of the Lord declared and said, “Those who carry the vessels of the Lord should be holy.” Then He opened Isaiah 52:11, “Depart! Depart! Go out from there, touch no unclean thing; go out from the midst of her, be clean, you who bear the vessels of the Lord.”
Be warned says the Spirit of the Living God, “For the devil has released his wicked agents to sow discord among godly friends, families, fellowships and ministries to split them. Saints, be on your guard!” (Proverbs 6:16-19).
- Satan is also using lukewarm people to poison and influence weak believers to backslide. (Acts 14:2)
A call to pray and intercede to stop the onslaught of Satan and his hosts. Satan unleashes attacks on children to disobey and marriages for divorce.
The Spirit of the Lord declared that knowledge shall increase and astounding discoveries and inventions will stun the world, even to challenge the very existence of the Living God.
Evil spirit of sudden death is still hovering, therefore saints of God, be on your very guard!
Many nations will be shaken, including some powerful nations of the earth. Wars and rumours of war continues until the divine goal is achieved. Some nation’s flags are on half-mast because of tragedies.
Global weather condition remains unabated as seen last year. There are things that I am restricted to release but let him or her who has ears hear and understand what the Spirit says to all. Engage more in prayer and intercession, for the days are evil.
There is a shock aiming at world economy and global financial system to disrupt it but I saw smoke which is the prayer of the saints bellowing into the heavens to ward off this evil conspiracy.
Thus says the Lord, “I will feed those who oppress you with their own flesh. They shall be drunk with their own blood as with wine. All flesh shall know that I, the Lord Adonai Yahweh am your Saviour and your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” (Isaiah 49:26)
- Jehovah is the True God, no other God besides Him.
- Jehovah is the Strong One and Omnipotent One. No power subdues or withstands Him. He is all powerful.
- Jehovah is merciful, full of compassion and tenderness.
- Jehovah is gracious to all who lean, acknowledge and accept Him.
- Jehovah is longsuffering, not easily angered or irritated but forgiving.
- Jehovah is abundant and sufficient in goodness, kindness and love.
- Jehovah is the Truth. He is trustworthy and faithful.
- This wave ushers in successful businessmen and businesswomen chosen by God as burden bearers to preach and lash out at sin and falsehood unflinchingly, to draw the people nearer to God and mobilize nations to repentance.
- These chosen men and women carry divinely given burdens to declare war on false doctrines, greed, materialism, covetousness, pride, selfishness and false sense of security, etc.
- This wave ushers in the company of people divinely-inspired, obedient, tactful and sensitive in the spirit with great inner strength of righteousness but from poor backgrounds.
- Though they will be looked down by people, they are raised up by God for such a time, period and decade like this to fulfil God’s divine purpose.
- This wave ushers in people chosen by God Almighty from the secular governmental set up to spread righteousness and justice through the core fabric of the societies.
- These people are planted in the governments by God to direct a divine course of action. They are prayerfully patriotic and courageous with a strong sense of spiritual purpose to wield executive abilities to fulfil God’s mandates.
This wave ushers in men and women who have been patiently waiting upon the Lord for divine empowerment and spiritual visions. These people have outstanding integrity in obeying God, are completely surrendered to God’s will with great energy to serve God’s purposes. This group will be a real terror in the kingdom of the devil because of the tangibility of the anointing they carry.
- This wave ushers in complete repented people who in the past persecuted the way of the Lord and the Lord’s people with great evil intentions but now have been changed by the Lord Jesus Christ through His divine revelational manifestations.
- These people now count their lives as nothing but to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with great signs and wonders following.
- This wave ushers in people chosen by the Lord to be endtime Gospel financiers.
- These are faithful men and women who are blessed financially to support and preach the Gospel for God’s kingdom expansion.
- Some of these people are from the financial sector blessed with financial resources to support and sponsor endtime harvest of souls for God’s kingdom.