Prophecy Archive


2022 Prophecy




“Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

Graciously lifted up in the spirit realm, I saw an angel with a golden shofar. He blew the shofar three times, then a voice thundered, “Be strong in the Lord all you people and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God in order to be able to stand against the wiles, wickedness, strategies and deceptions of the devil and his hosts in this end time.”


Still lifted up in the spirit, I saw myself descending, then I heard a well organised and methodically good sound of worship thundering in the air with many believers enjoying the worship, standing on their feet, clapping their hands and nodding their heads to the tune of the music. Immediately, the Spirit said to me, “Son of man, this is nothing but performance to entertain. The Holy One to be worshipped is not in their midst”. Church of the Living God, we are called now to review on how we engage in our worship to avoid worldliness. Worship without the presence of the Holy One is NOT worship.

Still caught up in the spirit, the voice of the Spirit said to me, “Son of man, come up higher here and I will show you something”. I went up and He said, “Observe!” There was a great wind blowing and uprooting giant trees that were firmly rooted in the soil. I was amazed by this. The Spirit said to me, “The great wind that you saw is a great wind of Spirit of Deception that is now at work infiltrating into the minds of many so-called successful and faith giants to turn their backs to God for falsehood, arrogance and hidden pride. Therefore, son of man, warn your brethren to watch and pray earnestly. But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers” (1 Peter 4:7). Then the portion of the scripture Ezekiel 33:31-32 was opened for me to read. “So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain. Indeed you are to them as a very lovely song of one who has a pleasant voice and can play well on an instrument; for they hear your words, but they do not do them”.

A vision was released by the Holy One for me to see. I saw the devil and his hosts blowing bubbles in the air. These bubbles formed a thick, dark cloud converging on the earth. Then the Spirit said to me, “Son of man, the devil and his hosts have released the spirit of laziness, slumber, procrastination and postponement to deter believers from active service to the Lord and more so to keep the believers away from the truth they once embraced. Many people and ministers included will die and perish due to foolishness, ignorance and deception from these wicked and deceiving spirits at work in this year. You who heard this keep your watch against this spirit”, said the Lord.

A great falling away from faith has started. While still graciously lifted up in the spirit, I saw many people, young, middle age, old and even some servants of God falling into illusions and acute discouragement that led them to question their faith in the true God. Then the Spirit spoke with a loud and unflinching voice and said, “No one having put his hand to the plow, and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God”.

Still in the realm of the spirit, I saw heaven opened to receive some of the faithful and holy generals of God summoned back home to their respective resting abode in heaven with escorting angelic music of joy. At the same time, I saw hell open its gate widely to receive many world famous people, royalties, leaders and ex-leaders of nations who rejected the person of Jesus Christ while alive on earth.

I saw seven angels sounding their shofar respectively and simultaneously. When they stopped, the angel at the middle of the seven declared, “Son of man, hear now! The voice of revival that is being echoed on earth now is falsehood. For there will be no revival till there is a true repentance from all works of flesh. Then comes the refreshing from the presence of the Holy One which will bring in restoration”.

Then the angel opened a vat and released a smoke of sweet fragrance and he said, “This is the prayers of the faithfuls”.

The foundation of the global economy is still shaky with economic winter resurfacing, but the faithful prayers of the saints will make a difference to bring in cheers to mankind.

Still lifted up in the spirit, the Lord said to me, “Son of man, all nations that turn against My divine ordinances by passing laws that endorse perversion of life and abortion shall face divine wrath of environmental disasters of monumental and unprecedented proportion. For I AM THE LORD!

The region’s economy will do well, but be under threat. I heard a bang of war sound that would have been avoided but it looms due to mistrust, jealousy and miscalculations. But if the Church in that region intensifies their prayer power by asking for God’s grace and mercy, the sound of war will be averted.

Still in the spirit, I saw the wind blowing that caused some of the nations there to change their allegiance to new emerging power for temporary economic gains. But the Spirit said, “It will result in nothing.

Hear it!” says the Spirit. “Surely thy adversaries will assemble against thee but not because of Adonai Elohim (Isaiah 54:15). Your adversaries will receive a befitting defeat as you raise your flag of victory,” says the Lord.

While still caught up in the spirit realm, I heard clearly the spirit instructing that the brethren in the USA should intensify their prayer of intercession earnestly in order to receive the manifestation of the change they long for. “Draw near to Me and I will draw near to you,” says the Spirit of the Living God.


Remember the decade of 2020s come with God's seven-fold move and waves of the Holy Spirit.

  • Jehovah is the True God, no other God besides Him.
  • Jehovah is the Strong One and Omnipotent One. No power subdues or withstands Him. He is all powerful.
  • Jehovah is merciful, full of compassion and tenderness.
  • Jehovah is gracious to all who lean, acknowledge and accept Him.
  • Jehovah is longsuffering, not easily angered or irritated but forgiving.
  • Jehovah is abundant and sufficient in goodness, kindness and love.
  • Jehovah is the Truth. He is trustworthy and faithful.
  •  This wave ushers in successful businessmen and businesswomen chosen by God as burden bearers to preach and lash out at sin and falsehood unflinchingly, to draw the people nearer to God and mobilise nations to repentance.
  • These chosen men and women carry divinely-given burdens to declare war on false doctrines, greed, materialism, covetousness, pride, selfishness and false sense of security, etc.
  • This wave ushers in the company of people divinely-inspired, obedient, tactful and sensitive in the spirit with great inner strength of righteousness but from poor backgrounds.
  • Though they will be looked down upon by people, they are raised up by God for such a time, period and decade like this to fulfil God’s divine purpose.
  • This wave ushers in people chosen by God Almighty from the secular government set up to spread righteousness and justice through the core fabric of the societies.
  • These people are planted in governments by God to direct a divine course of action. They are prayerfully patriotic, and courageous with a strong sense of spiritual purpose to wield executive abilities to fulfil God’s mandates.
  • This wave ushers in men and women who have been patiently waiting upon the Lord for divine empowerment and spiritual visions. These people have outstanding integrity in obeying God, are completely surrendered to God’s will with great energy to serve His purposes. This group will be a real terror in the kingdom of the devil because of the tangible anointing they carry.
  • This wave ushers in completely repented people who in the past persecuted the way of the Lord and His people with great evil intentions. They have now been changed by the Lord Jesus Christ through His divine revelational manifestations.
  • These people now count their lives as nothing but to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ with great signs and wonders following.
  • This wave ushers in people chosen by the Lord to be end-times Gospel financiers.
  • These are faithful men and women who are blessed financially to support and preach the Gospel for God’s kingdom expansion.
  • Some of these people are from the financial sector blessed with financial resources to support and sponsor end-times harvest of souls for God’s kingdom.
Let every born-again believer engage himself or herself
on 30 minutes praying in the spirit daily.